Parent Information
School Hours
Take In Time: 7:00 AM
Tardy Bell: 7:20AM
Dismissal Time: 2:30 PM
Registration Dates

Mr. Joshua Verkouille
Phone: 251- 221-2200
Uniform Information
Top: Girls
6th Grade- Solid Royal Blue polo style shirt
7th Grade - Solid Gray polo style shirt
8th Grade- Solid Black polo style shirt
Shirt may be short or long sleeve with two-four buttons and a collar. Shirt tails must be tucked in 360 degrees. Long sleeve undershirts may be worn during inclement weather and must be solid white, black, royal blue, or gray.
Hankins grade level t-shirts (in appropriate grade level color) may be worn Monday-Friday. Shirts must be purchased from the school. Spirit shirts (club, athletics, organizations) may be worn on Fridays. Non-HMS t-shirts are not permitted.
Bottom: Girls
Khaki uniform style pants with belt loops. Pants must be worn at the natural waist line and end above the shoe. No Sagging, hipster, joggers, cargo styles or tight pants permitted. No jean style, corduroy or cargo style pants. No shorts allowed.Top: Boys
6th Grade- Solid Royal Blue polo style shirt
7th Grade - Solid Gray polo style shirt
8th Grade- Solid Black polo style shirt
Shirt may be short or long sleeve with two-four buttons and a collar. Shirt tails must be tucked in 360 degrees. Long sleeve undershirts may be worn during inclement weather and must be solid white, black, royal blue, or gray.
Hankins grade level t-shirts (in appropriate grade level color) may be worn Monday-Friday. Shirts must be purchased from the school. Spirit shirts (club, athletics, organizations) may be worn on Fridays. Non-HMS t-shirts are not permitted.
Bottom: Boys
Khaki uniform style pants with belt loops. Pants must be worn at the natural waist line and end above the shoe. No Sagging, hipster, joggers, cargo styles or tight pants permitted. No jean style, corduroy or cargo style pants. No shorts allowed.
Belts must be worn- no studs, embellishments, or large buckles permitted.
Socks: Girls
Socks should be white, gray, or black.
Socks: Boys
Socks should be white, gray, or black.
Lace-up, athletic shoes. No crocs, slides, slippers, etc.
Outerwear: Male/Female
Outerwear must be solid black, royal blue, or gray with no logos.
No hoodies allowed on campus.
On inclement weather days, winter coats will be permitted but must be removed before entering the school building. Winter coats cannot have a hood.
Additional Notes
Students are required to wear their student ID badges at all times.
No visible body piercings other than ear lobes are permitted.
Only clear or mesh bookbags permitted.
No hats, toboggans, bandannas, or head coverings of any kind permitted on campus or the bus.
Mandatory Notes 1. Under MCPSS Board Policy, all students enrolled at Katherine H. Hankins Middle School are required to wear the approved school uniform on campus at all times. Uniform dress will be monitored on the campus throughout the school day. Any student who is out of uniform may not participate in the regular instructional program. Students may be given a warning letter, placed in classroom intract, refocus or suspended. 2. Uniforms should be neat, clean, properly fitted and in good repair; no graffiti, holes or tears. 3. Shirt tails must be tucked into pants so the belt is visible 360 degrees around the pants. 4. Spirit and team t-shirts may only be worn on designated days. 5. Undershirts should not be visible under the short sleeve uniform shirt. 6. Pants, shorts, and skorts may not be rolled or folded to a shorter length. 7. Pants must be neatly hemmed. No splits in pant legs. 8. Hats, or head coverings may not be worn on campus or on the school bus. Exception:toboggan style knit head covering in cold weather. 9. Pants may not be rolled or folded to a shorter length or gathered at the ankle or have side pockets. 10. No visible body piercings other than ear lobs is allowed. 11. School personnel are not responsible for confiscated, lost, stolen, or loaned jewelry. 12. Hair must be clean, neat and out of eyes. No unnatural distracting hair colors or hair pieces, designs or haircuts are permitted: this includes extreme Mohawks, Faux Mohawks, etc. 13. No currency, bills, etc. may be attached to school uniforms (birthday money). 14. Parents of students who may have medical or religious reasons for not strictly abiding by the dress code should schedule a conference with the principal. 15. Uniforms, shoes, and accessories may be purchased at local department stores, retail stores, uniform shops or at Hankins Middle School. The uniform tie may only be purchased from the school office staff. 16. The principal has the prerogative to alter the policy for special occasions. (rewards, special achievement, etc.) Occasionally, the students are rewarded with the privilege to wear school approved jeans. School Approved Special Occasion Jeans 1. Must fit at the natural waist and end above the shoe 2. Must be free of holes and tears 3. Must be plain, no writing, or embellishments 4. Must have belt loops for the uniform belt Acceptable Field Trip Uniform: 1. The entire group must wear the same attire 2. If the attire deviates from the school uniform, it must be approved in advance by the principal via the teacher 3. Uniform or Team Spirit Shirts may be used 4. All Mandatory School Uniform Policy guidelines apply